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About Us

The MyContactListing Contact Relationship Management service has been designed to meet a need that hasn't really been address by other CRM types of services or software. We at Helios Web Hosting have been providing website services to Multi-Level Marketing and general businesses for over 15 years. We were doing e-commerce websites for customers back when most businesses didn't even have a corporate website. We do all the programming and database development ourselves. We feel fortunate to have grown our business to the point it's at today but are still small enough that we can quickly respond to specific customer requests.

We've seen a lot of changes over the past 15 years in how companies function and do business, and we're well aware of the unique challenges associated with MLM businesses. Being a small business ourselves, we understand the challenges involved in being successful with whatever type of business you have.

We strongly believe in supporting and helping our customers to be successful. We don't charge setup fees and have done our best to keep the costs down to be able to offer the service at a reasonable cost that shouldn't put a strain on anyone's business.

If you polled our customers, aside from hearing about the quality of the service and how easy it is to use, you would hear people talk about the high level of customer support that we offer. We're proud of the fact that we have always offered great support, especially now that it's quickly becoming a thing of the past with most tech companies. Most customer support emails are answered in minutes instead of hours or days and we're always happy to explain things in detail until you're comfortable that you understand everything about the service. We think it's important that the service is a benefit to your business and to make it one, you need to understand how to get the most out of it.

We are always open to suggestions for improving the service. If you have an idea that you feel would make the service better or help improve your business, please drop us an email and let us know about it.

- Helios Web Hosting

Contact with any questions.

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