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Why do I need this for my business?
If you're like most business owners, you often struggle to maintain timely and frequent communication with the people you rely on for the success of your business. This can be your customers and prospective customers, and if you're in an MLM business your recruit leads and active recruits. Without a system in place to maintain the contact information for these people you can waste time trying to track their information down. Without a reliable way to keep a history of when you've contacted these people and remind you when you need to contact them in the future, you could forget what was previously said and risk losing a customer or a recruit lead.

For your customers, if you don't have a system to easily view order histories, you're not able to know when you should contact your customers to see if they need to re-order a product or might be interested in new products you're carrying now. The MyContactListing service meets all these needs in one place. You can maintain all your contacts' information, including all the interractions you've had with them, the products they've ordered, and you can set reminders for when you need to contact them again to maintain that timely and frequent communication that your business relies on to succeed. You'll never again forget an important event or activity for your contacts.

How does the service work?
You enter your contacts' information and can group them with named groups that you create. You can then enter activities for each contact from pre-defined activity types that you also create. You can specify an activity that has already happened for a history record (like "Called Mary to see if she was ready to reorder ABC product"). You can also add a reminder to do a specific activity for a contact (for example, "Call Mary on Tuesday May 18th to see if she's ready to re-order"). If the contact is a customer, you can enter the items that person has ordered in the past in the Order History area. This gives you the ability to view a contact's information, all the previous and scheduled activities for your interractions with that person, and see their order history - all in one place.

How is this service different from other services out there?
We have focused the intent of this service to be a tool business owners can use to keep up with just the information they need to successfully run and succeed with their businesses. In speaking with several very successful MLM business owners, we kept hearing the same thing - that there just isn't anything available, no matter what the cost, that works the way they needed to easily and efficiently keep up with their contacts' information. Many of the services already available include a lot of "features" and options that end up cluttering up the system and making it hard to use. We've only included the options that we feel every business owner needs and kept things uncluttered to make it easy to use. Also we take customer support very seriously and you'll find that we respond to support emails very quickly.

Can I use the service to send emails to all my contacts at once?
No, this service is not a mass mailing system. While we have provided you the ability to send an email to a specific contact, it is not possible to send an email to all contacts or multiple contacts at once. The reason for this is that it is becoming more and more difficult to send emails and have them be received by the intended recipients. Spam filters are getting more and more aggressive and many ISP's and mail hosting services have filters in place to detect large numbers of emails coming from the same source to their users and frequently assume these emails to be spam and block them. So while you may feel that you've successfully sent an email to all 500 of your contacts, chances of all of them actually receiving the email are pretty slim... and unfortunately with most spam filters, you never know your email was blocked and the recipient didn't see it.

While we could have included a mass emailing feature with the service, we felt that there are lots of those types of services already out there that people can use and we wanted to separate our service to be more of a contact relationship building system. We don't feel that mass emailings really build relationships and if anything, give the sender a false sense of accomplishment that they've done something good for their business but frequently get little to no results from it. We feel that sending an email to a contact directly stands a much better chance of it actually being received and donig some good for your business. To help make this process a little easier, we have included an option where you can create email templates and store them so when you go to send an email to a contact, you can select from your list of templates and have the email subject & body prepopulated. You can then tweak the content to customize it and click send. The email is sent using your email address as the "from" address.

How long does it take for my account to be created?
Once you complete and submit the Sign-Up form, your account will be created through our automated account creation software and you'll receive a confirmation email letting you know you can log in and start loading your contacts information. It only takes 30 seconds or less for your account to be created and for the welcome email to be sent to you.

Is there a way to upload my contacts?
Yes, if you already have your contacts' information stored electronically, we should be able to upload them into the system for you and save you from having to re-enter everything. Please contact our support department and send us a copy of the file and we'll see what we can do. Most files that are in some type of delimited value format can be imported. There is no charge for a one-time file upload.

How will I be billed?
Accounts are billed in advance and all billing is handled through Visa, MasterCard, or Discover cards. Shortly after signing up you will receive an emailed invoice with a pro-rated fee for the remaining days in the current month. You can submit your credit card information under the "Setting" tab after logging into your account.

If payment isn't received after 5 days, you'll receive an emailed late notice. If payment isn't received after 10 days, your account will be inactivated and will remain inactive until payment is received. If you wish to cancel during the first 5 days with our Satisfaction Guarantee, you must do so before the start of the 6th day.

Future monthly charges are processed on the 1st of each month and accounts are renewed automatically until a cancellation request is received. You are responsible for cancelling your account prior to the 1st of the month or you will be billed for that month. You can cancel your account from the link under the "Settings" tab. In order to keep our costs down, we're unable to provide any refunds.

The monthly fee is based on the number of contacts you have in the system as of the 1st of each month. There are 2 tiers of service - up to 500 contacts and more than 500 contacts. If your card is ever declined, you will receive an email letting you know it was declined and you will have until the 5th of the month to resolve the issue or your account will be inactivated until payment is received.

If I cancel my account, can I download my contacts' information?
Yes, your contacts' information is your property and we've provided an option where you can download all of your contacts records in a comma separated list that can be opened with a spread sheet program (like Excel or Open Office). The file will include all your contacts' details but will not include the Activity or Order Histories.

If you have any questions that haven't been answered here, please contact our support department and we will be happy to assist you.

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